Keyword Search

Use search terms to locate and target companies

Madeline Volpe avatar
Written by Madeline Volpe
Updated over a week ago

Grata Search scans company websites for references to specific keywords. Within the Filter panel, you have the ability to craft searches and find companies that meet your qualitative criteria.

Keywords & Quotes

Enter specific words that describe the industry, product or company you are interested in using the search bar. Mention those keywords that would show up on a company's website to describe their product or their business. Use "quotes" to search for an exact phrase. When your search terms are not in quotes, the platform will automatically include expanded keywords (similar terms that match your original query). 

'AND' versus 'OR'

While using keyword searching in Grata, you'll have the ability to use boolean logic within your term box.

In Boolean logic, the operators "AND" and "OR" are used to combine conditions or statements, but they operate differently:

  • AND: This will return results only if all keywords it joins are true. It is used when you need to ensure that multiple criteria are met simultaneously. For example, in the expression "HVAC AND Residential", the result appears if both HVAC and Residental are appear on the companies websites.

  • OR: This will return results if any of the conditions it combines are true. It is useful when you want to fulfill at least one of several criteria. For example, in the expression "Plumbing OR Air-Conditioning", the result appears if either Plumbing is true, Air-conditioning is true, or both are true.

AI Added Terms

Notice in the example screenshot above, the phrase "1 Added terms" is listed right underneath the term box. If you click into this, you'll notice our AI automatically adds relevant terms to the search to help users find more opportunities in the search results, available on all pages with keyword search.

Best practice is to click into the added terms to see and edit the terms Grata has added to the search.

Excluding Terms

Exclude terms to craft more complex queries. Simply hover over to the "Exclude these terms" box. The search below will return companies that mention "car dealer" but also exclude results that mention "repair.".

Core vs. Mention

Toggle between Core and Mention to change where Grata searches for keyword matches.

  • Core - Keyword is mentioned on the company webpages that are focused on the primary business of the company (e.g., About Us, Products,).

  • Mention - Keyword is mentioned anywhere on the company website (e.g. About Us, Blog, Products, Company News).

Additional Term Groups

Add a term group to develop multi-layered queries with increased logic.

Best Practice

  • You can group terms based on the aspect of the business your searching for

    • In the example below, notice that one term box is grouping terms based on the service of business (HVAC or Plumbing) while the other term box is grouping terms that that describe who the business is servicing (residential or commercial spaces).

    • This search will find any company that does either HVAC or Plumbing services AND also mention servicing residential OR commercial spaces

To learn about more keyword search options, check out Keyword Search || Advanced Options.

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