Revenue Estimates
Madeline Volpe avatar
Written by Madeline Volpe
Updated over a week ago

Where Are Revenue Estimates?

Company Profiles

Revenue estimates are available in company profiles in Grata. To filter using the revenue estimates currently in Grata:

  1. Run your query in Grata Search

  2. Go to the Size filter

  3. Use the sliding bar to apply limit the Revenue amount

Table View

  1. Open the company profile

  2. Go to the Financials tab


Which companies are not covered by revenue estimates?

  • Governments & U.S. Federal Agencies

  • Nonprofits & Associations

  • Religious Institutions

  • Public Companies & Public Subsidiaries

    • *exception: Public companies who have reported their actual revenue amount will display that value (TTM)

  • Companies With No U.S. Headquarter

    • *exception: companies where all office locations are in the U.S. will be covered with revenue estimates

How confident is Grata with their estimate?

Grata provides a confidence score for each estimate. You can find it by hovering over the check mark near the revenue estimate. Confidence is determined by how complete the company profile is, i.e., how much data do we have available for that company. The more information we have, the higher our confidence in the assigned revenue estimate. The scores range from:

  • High Confidence - For this company, Grata has a significant amount of training examples and metadata either for the company and the company's segment.

  • Medium Confidence - For this company, Grata has a defined company segment but does not have enough of a sample size to perform statistical benchmarks.

  • Low Confidence - For this company, Grata has limited metadata on the company itself or the company's segment. To supplement, appropriate proxies are used for identifying a company's segment.

How do you plan on improving your estimates?

We will continue making improvements to our calculations by adding data, including more training data, and incorporating customer feedback. As we get more sources and richer training data, we'll be able to train our model for more accurate results and better estimates. To help make our estimates more accurate, you can use the feedback tool. The more data and feedback you provide, the better our model and data will be. The options for feedback are whether the estimate is:

  • Too Low

  • Low

  • Correct

  • High

  • Too High

What does "employees adjusted" mean?

These are adjusted employee counts based on underreporting or overreporting within this sector.

Why is the"employees adjusted" value different from the number of employees under Size?

Employee count comes directly from LinkedIn. Adjusted employees is determined by Grata and is determined by whether that company falls into an industry where employee count is typically overreported or underreported.

What period does the revenue estimate cover?

The represented revenue is an annual estimate and is updated on a quarterly basis.

How are you calculating estimated revenues?

Our revenues are calculated using data from:

  1. Peer segmentation

  2. Average revenue per segment

  3. Digital presence

  4. User contributions (training data to help with our ML model and the feedback tool)

  5. Company benchmarks

For additional details, click the dropdown at the bottom of the company profile: How did we calculate this estimate?

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