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Executive Contacts
Executive Contacts

Gather and export executive contacts to complete your outreach

Madeline Volpe avatar
Written by Madeline Volpe
Updated over a week ago

If you have access, you can view executive contacts in a company's profile or list.

Profile View:

You can view executive contacts in a companies profile on the overview tab and the contacts tab. The overview tab will show the top two contacts, while the contacts tab will show all executive contacts for that company.

List View:
Once you have created a List, you can go to the contacts tab to see executive contacts

Within a list, click on the contacts tab to view all the executive contacts associated with the companies in that list.

These contacts connected to the companies in your list are Executive Contacts, such as CEO, President, etc.

You can filter these results by selecting specific companies in the filter bar on the left, or by contacts with an email or a LinkedIn by using the filter icon on the top right above the results.

Collect contact information to help identify who you want to reach out to by checking the box in the top right corner of each contact and using the "+" sign to add them to "My Contacts". "My Contacts" allows you to view only the contacts that are relevant to you, rather than all the executive contacts for the entire list.

Once you have determined the contacts to reach out to, you can export them by selecting the icon with a down facing arrow. You'll then be prompted to either export the contacts only or the company information and the contacts.


Executive contacts are at the company level meaning that for one company you get all the executive contacts associated with that company. So if you export 1 company that has 5 contacts that counts as 1 company export credit. You can check your company export credits in your 'Account' settings and viewing the company exports section.

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