Advanced Search: Hiring

Use the job hiring filters to discover hiring trends for companies

Madeline Volpe avatar
Written by Madeline Volpe
Updated over a week ago

The Hiring Search filter allows you to find job postings.

In the filter panel, click the Hiring Search section to view the job posting related filters. Are data is aggregated from Linkedin, Glassdoor, Indeed, ZipRecruiter, CareerBuilder, SimplyHired, and other major job boards.
The Job Titles filter allows you to search for jobs based on their titles. You can search for either exact titles or simply titles that include specific words or phrases.

The Days Since Job Posting filter allows you to filter results based on when the job was posted. You can do as recent as the current day or as late as 30 days.

The Job Locations filter allows you to filter jobs based on their location. Note that this is the job location, not the company location. Simply enter locations in the search bar to filter for companies that have job postings in those areas. Similar to the Locations filter, you may input locations at the continent, country, state, city or town level.

The Job Descriptions filter allows you to search for jobs that have specific keywords in their description. Enter any keyword you wish to have the description include and those jobs will appear in the feed.

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