Summary View

The summary view provides an overview of of your search results and includes key information across all companies

Madeline Volpe avatar
Written by Madeline Volpe
Updated over a week ago

The Summary view provides high level statistics surrounding the results of your search. It is an effective way to understand the composition of a search and identify trends across your results.

Specifically, the summary tab displays the employee range breakdown of your search results, M&A history, largest M&A acquirers, and funding amounts over time.

In addition, you are also able to view geographic presence across your results, on both a US and global map. 

The summary tab also displays the most often mentioned keywords across all companies, and overall business model breakdown 

Finally, the summary view shows tag coverage across your search results to enable you to easily understand which verticals your companies sell into and which technologies they utilize.

To adjust the tag groups you are viewing, select the dropdown above the tag section.

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