List Filters

Filter on your lists within search results to limit results to companies in certain lists

Michael Vinik avatar
Written by Michael Vinik
Updated over a week ago

The last section of the filter panel is the Lists section, which allows a user to filter
results to only display companies that are or are not in certain lists

Click the search bar or magnifying glass to search for lists you want to filter on. A pop-up will appear where you can type in the list name. You can also filter on a sector, market or list using the filter drop down in the righthand corner.

Simply hover over the list you wish to add to filters and a plus sign will appear that you can click to add.

In the image below, we have applied a filter to only display companies that are in either the 'Consumer' or 'Software' sectors.

Similar to the web text filter section, you are able to apply logic to your list filters. Toggle the list criteria from ANY to ALL in order to view only companies that are in both lists. You can negate a list by hovering over a name and inverting the sign, which will allow you to view all companies that are not currently in a specified list.

The negation is particularly helpful when you are systematically reviewing a set of companies and adding them to a list. If you negate that list (as shown above), each company you add to the list will not show up in your search results until you remove the negated list filter.

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